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Work with us

Are you an educator who is curious about bringing Yoga and Mindfulness into your classroom yourself; A parent looking for an after-school program that cultivates self-connection for your young human; A school leader looking for a skilled facilitator to support cultivating more connection in your school community?

Seedling Yoga Educator Program

The Seedling yoga Educator Program is an 8-week co-constructed journey that provides support and resources to begin introducing Yoga and mindfulness into your own classroom.

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Seedling Yoga 4-week Program

A low-commitment way to experience the Seedling Yoga curriculum program in your school or classroom.

Seedling Yoga 8-Week Program

Build your strudents connection to themselves and one another through our 16-session Yoga curriculum that introduces breathing mindfulness and movement in a fun, practical way.

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Custom Educator Workshops

Interested in learning more about Yoga and Mindfulness and how they can support more connected and healthy staffrooms, classrooms and school communities?

Wish to gift your team or kahui ako an opportunity to experience self-connection?
Get in touch to discuss your unique event or program. 

After School Classes

Introduce your young human to their bodies, breath and emotions through the science of Yoga.
8 - week, once-a-week programs held after-school for big and small seedlings.

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